Middlesex County, New Jersey Equitable Distribution Lawyer

One of the most complex aspects of a divorce is the equitable distribution process. If you are getting divorced and you cannot agree on who owns what, it is critical that you retain the services of a competent New Jersey equitable distribution lawyer. Contact the Law Offices of Aditya Surti, LLC today to learn more about how our legal team can help. We’ve fought for countless individuals in your position over the years, and we’re ready to fight for you, too.

Should I Hire a New Jersey Equitable Distribution Lawyer?

When spouses get divorced, they often have several assets at stake. For many, the outcome of the equitable distribution process will significantly affect their lives for years to come. We know that this is not a light matter, and we are determined to help you in any way we can. Our Middlesex County, New Jersey divorce lawyer is here to protect what is yours.

How Does Equitable Distribution Work in New Jersey?

In the state of New Jersey, courts will consider several factors when determining which property is considered marital property, and which property is considered separate or part separate and part marital property.

When determining which property is considered marital property, the courts will consider the monetary and non-monetary contributions each spouse made to the marriage and the well-being of the family. So, even if you or your spouse stayed at home, raised children, and did work around the house, courts will absolutely consider this when determining which marital assets you are entitled to.

Any property deemed to be marital property will be subject to equitable distribution, while any property deemed to be separate property will be exempt from equitable distribution. Note that “equitable” does not mean “equal;” instead, it means a fair and just distribution of assets in the eyes of the court. Our experienced New Jersey divorce lawyer can help ensure that your contribution to the marriage is made known. We will fight for your hard-earned assets.

Contact a New Jersey Equitable Distribution Lawyer

We understand that as a divorcing individual, you want to protect what’s rightfully yours. Our job, as a family law firm, is to ensure your best interests are protected. If you’re in a contentious divorce and are looking to preserve your hard-earned assets, you’ve come to the right place. Contact a knowledgeable equitable distribution lawyer from the Law Offices of Aditya Surti, LLC today to schedule your initial consultation with our competent and dedicated family law firm.

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